Get a Summary of Hero Talents in the WOW New Expansion —— The War Within

The War Within expansion introduces Hero Talents as a new update to World of Warcraft classes. They are an evergreen form of character progression for each class specialization that introduces new powers and class fantasies. 

Here's a summary of some of the information about Hero Talents

What are Hero Talents?

  • New talent trees unlocked at level 71.
  • Each class has 3-4 trees, each specialization has access to 2.
  • Each tree has 11 talents, unlocked one per level from 71 to 80.
  • Offer new abilities, enhance existing ones, and provide utility and defense.

Key Design Goals:

  • Maintain freedom of choice: Both options should be viable in all content.
  • Enhance existing class fantasy: Don't overshadow core spec gameplay.
  • Avoid complexity: Add fun without creating new burdens.
  • Respect lore and archetypes: Allow all races/factions to feel represented.

Gameplay Implications:

  • "What you are, but more": Enhance existing abilities and rotations.
  • Occasional ability resets, replacements, and resource boosts.
  • No new buttons or complex buffs to manage.
  • Some talents require specific class/spec talents for thematic synergy.
  • Overall build customization still encouraged.

Feedback Requested:

  • Do the Hero Talent concepts feel appropriate for both specs?
  • Do they embody the desired class fantasies?
  • Do they add complexity without feeling burdensome?
  • Does the freedom of choice feel balanced?

I believe this information will be very valuable for WoW players interested in the new Hero Talents system. The detailed explanations and design goals should help players understand how Hero Talents will work and what they can expect from them. The call for feedback is also a great opportunity for players to share their thoughts and help shape the future of this new feature.