Level 60 Dragon Unleashed in Level 25 Zone! - WoW Classic "Season of Discovery" Mayhem

Chaos can break out in the supposedly quietest places. The horde noticed this in the “Season of Discovery” in WoW Classic when a dragon went crazy.

When the options are limited, players get creative - especially in the variants of WoW Classic. During the “Season of Discovery” there was a large pile of skeletons of fallen players that adorned the actually peaceful city of Thunder Bluff. Because a dragon that no one expected has raged quite a bit.

What happened in Thunder Bluff?

 Some players on the “Season of Discovery” server “Crusader Strike” were probably amazed when a massacre suddenly broke out in the peaceful city of Thunder Bluff. NPCs and players alike were encased in weedy roots and then pummeled in turn, causing corpses to pile up.

Because the “Emeraldon Tree Warder” mob had stormed the capital of the Tauren and made short work of the residents and all the players who just wanted to peacefully advance their bank business or auction house sales.

Why is that impressive? 

LV60 appears in the 25 level limit

The whole thing is fascinating because the mob has a level of 60. So it is designed for the maximum level of WoW Classic - and that cannot currently be achieved. Currently the characters are all limited to level 25. The vast majority of heroes are likely to die after just one dragon attack - tanks may even survive until the second attack.

Amazing handling

Pulling the mob all the way from Ashenvale through the Barrens, then to Mulgore and then onto Thunder Bluff must have been quite a tightrope act.


Does this also work in other game versions? 

Such variants of trolling are quite funny, but can also lead to problems - especially in the “hardcore” version of WoW Classic. There have also been stories of particularly creative players who have managed to kill unsuspecting bank twinks in a capital city. This is not possible, at least in the way shown above. The vast majority of enemies in WoW Classic Hardcore are now bound to their area (“leashed”) and cannot be moved to a capital city.

Nevertheless, some visitors to Thunder Bluff may have looked pretty stupid when an elite dragon suddenly dismantled the city's residents.