BRD05 ATK 21.62% - HP 10.25% - Yuri +4 , Arines +3 , Diana +3 , Layla +3 , Glacia +2 , Justia +1 - 6 Heros Light  -  8,4K Gem
BRD05 ATK 21.62% - HP 10.25% - Yuri +4 , Arines +3 , Diana +3 , Layla +3 , Glacia +2 , Justia +1 - 6 Heros Light - 8,4K Gem
14 Days Warranty
Delivery in 5 Min
New users who complete registration and pay for their first order within 24 hours will receive a 5 times points bonus after the order is completed.

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Brown Dust