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Diablo 4 Damage Calculation Guide

Damage Basics

The damage of basic skills and core skills in Diablo 4 is calculated based on weapon damage, with the reference formula as follows:

Damage (Skill) = Skill Percentage x Damage (Weapon)

Other ultimate skills or damage that comes from the skill itself do not apply the above formula, and these damages are no longer related to weapon damage.



So if you want to deal more damage, you need to choose a weapon with higher damage. Note that this is higher damage, not higher DPS, because some skills do not eat attack speed, so a weapon with high DPS may be due to high attack speed, and the single damage may not be the highest.



Damage Enhancement

After knowing the basics of damage, we need to further amplify it through equipment and talents in order to kill everything.

The principle of damage increase in Diablo 4 is as follows (very similar to Diablo 3)


1. Inc damage increase principle: When the same damage increase attribute participates in the calculation, they are first added and then take effect. [Same type is added]

 For example: The [+x% damage to close enemies] on multiple pieces of equipment is first accumulated together and then multiplied into the damage formula.


2. More damage increase principle: When different damage increase attributes participate in the calculation, they are all multiplied and amplified. [Different types are multiplied]

For example: [+x% damage to close enemies] and [+x% physical damage], these two different damage increase attributes are calculated by multiplication.


The types of damage increase attributes are enumerated as follows:

ps: The large categories of increased damage listed below are all multiplied by each other. Some of the increased damage within the same large category also has a multiplication relationship. The reason why it is listed in this way is only to facilitate sorting out the source of increased damage and easy to understand.


As long as you remember that as long as it is not the same type of increased damage attribute, then they are all multiplied.

1. Main attribute increase damage 

Some professions will gain increased damage effects through attributes, such as barbarians with strength increasing skill damage and rangers with agility increasing skill damage. Mouse over the attribute to see the skill increase value of the attribute.

1 point main attribute = 0.1% skill increase


2. Damage type increase 

Commonly seen on jewelry (not excluding that this type of affix can also be found in other systems such as peak talent in the future) Including various elemental increases: [+% fire damage], [+% lightning damage], etc. Global damage increase: [+x% damage]

At present, it is judged that global increases and various elemental increases are additive relationships


3. Passive talent increase 

Some passive talents in the talent tree bring increased damage For example: Barbarian’s passive [You deal 2% more damage to close enemies and gain 3% far distance damage reduction] Druid’s passive [Earth skills deal 5% more damage to slowed, stunned, rooted or knocked back enemies]

As long as the description of increased injury is different, they are calculated by independent injury multiplication.


4. Ordinary affixes increase

  Generally from ordinary equipment affixes, listed as follows:

[+x% damage to close enemies]

 [+x% damage to far enemies]

[+x% core skill damage]

 [+x% basic skill damage]

 [+x% damage to slowed enemies]

[+x% Damage to Healthy Enemies] (85% blood or more is called healthy)

[+x% Damage to Injured Enemies] (35% blood or less is called injured)

These increased injury affixes are currently tested according to independent injury multiplication calculations. (If there are special circumstances, you can correct it again)


5. Legendary affixes increase 

Legendary affixes are often very powerful, but there are also special requirements. Affix examples are as follows: [For every second you stand still, your damage increases by xx%, up to xx%.] [Enemies hit by basic skills will increase your next core skill’s damage by xx%, up to xx%.] [Skills gain up to xx% more damage during casting based on available resources and gain full benefits when resources are sufficient.] [When activating a barrier, your damage increases by xx%.]

All legendary affixes bring independent increases in injury and need to be calculated by multiplication, and the same legendary affixes will not take effect repeatedly.


6. Rage increases 

After entering a rage state, barbarians deal 25% more damage and can improve their vulnerability rate through passives and equipment affixes.


7. Vulnerability increases 

Vulnerability is a very common state in Diablo 4. Vulnerable monsters or players will receive 1.2 times default damage and can improve their vulnerability rate through passives and equipment affixes. After being vulnerable, the monster’s blood bar will turn purple. The player’s life ball will turn into a purple shattered state.




8. Suppression damage 

Suppression damage is calculated separately based on the character’s life and sturdiness, and only has a 3% chance of being triggered and taking effect. It is added to the character’s skill damage, can be magnified by various damage increase affixes and crits, and also enjoys the effect of increased vulnerability damage. (Note that there is controversy in the underlined part, some tests believe that suppression damage does not eat increased damage and crit)

We can understand suppression damage as an additional basic point of damage, with a 3% chance of appearing. After appearing, it will add the basic point of damage brought by suppression to this attack based on the character’s life and sturdiness value. Some professions are particularly easy to build some BDs around suppression, such as Druid


9. Crit increase (invalid for continuous damage) 

After a crit, the crit damage increase coefficient = (1 + crit damage multiple) Crit expectation = (1 + crit rate x crit damage multiple)


10. The specific increase formula is as follows: 

The final damage of a single attack = {(skill percentage x weapon damage + suppression damage) x [(1 + sum of increase affix 1) x (1 + sum of increase affix 2)…x(1 + sum of increase affix N)]}x (1 + sum of vulnerability effects) x (1 + crit rate x crit damage multiple) 

If suppression damage does not eat increased damage and crits, the formula is:

The final damage of a single attack = {(skill percentage x weapon damage) x [(1 + sum of increase affix 1) x (1 + sum of increase affix 2)…x(1 + sum of increase affix N)]}x (1 + sum of vulnerability effects) x (1 + crit rate x crit damage multiple) + suppression Damage 

The red part contains all independent injury links (including various affixes, passive talents, rage states, etc.) More details need more test support, for reference only


Introduction to the meaning of various damage floating characters in the game

There are a total of 4 types of damage characters in the game. Many players do not understand what they represent. Here is a brief explanation:

White: Normal Damage

Light yellow: Crit Damage

Light blue: Suppression Damage

Orange: Suppression and Crit Damage



Crit Damage



Suppression Damage


A few not very important values, I hope players don’t pay too much attention to them

1. The DPS of the weapon. As mentioned earlier in the equipment section, some BDs in Diablo 4 do not value attack speed. Instead, the single damage of the weapon is more important. So when choosing a weapon, you need to match it according to your own genre, and you cannot blindly value DPS.



2. The attack strength on the character interface is also a rough reference for judgment, so don’t pay too much attention to it.



About the damage calculation of two-handed and dual-wielding weapons 

Many skills in the game have strict requirements for weapon types and can only be two-handed or dual-wielded or ranged weapons. There are also some skills that can be both two-handed and dual-wielded, such as Barbarian’s Whirlwind and Druid’s spells. In this case, the skill damage is calculated by adding the damage of the dual-wielded weapons.

For example, if the maximum damage of dual-wielded weapon A is 50 and the maximum damage of dual-wielded weapon B is 100, without other increased damage effects, the maximum damage of Whirlwind skill = (A + B) * skill coefficient Equivalent to a two-handed weapon with a maximum damage of 150.

It is worth noting that in the calculation link of skill damage, weapon damage * skill coefficient is the first step. Subsequently, the calculation of increased parameters will be performed, such as the increase in skill damage brought by agility/will/strength, etc., such as the increase in core skill/basic skill damage in equipment affixes. After these parameters are all calculated, they will be displayed in the skill damage. Therefore, sometimes players observe that the skill damage is higher than the actual weapon damage * skill coefficient because you have some increased affixes that have been calculated later. Of course, some specific conditions for increased affixes cannot be reflected in the panel, such as affixes such as x% increased damage to close enemies. They only take effect during actual combat and cannot be reflected in the panel.

In addition, Diablo 4 has also made some corrections to the upper and lower limits of skill damage.

Damage lower limit * 1.1 ;Damage upper limit * 0.9

The purpose of this step of correction calculation is unknown for the time being, but it has almost no effect on average damage. {Average Damage = (Damage Upper Limit + Damage Lower Limit) / 2} 



About bleeding damage

1. Multiple bleeding damages will accumulate and finally show on the blood bar.

As shown in the figure, the bright red bar is Butcher’s current blood volume, and the dark red bar is the accumulated bleeding damage, which is slowly settled over time. If at this time the player causes another bleeding damage to Butcher, it will make the dark red bar accumulate longer.



2. High DPH (single damage) weapons will cause higher bleeding damage per attack.

3. High attack speed weapons will accumulate bleeding damage faster.

ps: If other dot damages can be stacked like bleeding, then high attack speed makes sense. If it cannot be stacked, then high single damage is more important.



About Lucky Hit Chance 

Lucky Hit Chance determines the trigger probability of some skills or affix effects. You can see Lucky Hit Chance characters in many skills and equipment affixes. Specifically as follows:

Lucky Hit Chance probability on skills. According to the picture temporarily set at 50%




Lucky Hit Chance on legendary affixes (the [Lucky Hit Chance] here means that the trigger of this affix effect is affected by [Lucky Hit Chance])

Suppose this affix rolls out at 40%



Increase value of Lucky Hit Chance  

The legendary affix effect below will enhance the player’s Lucky Hit Chance probability. The increase method is multiplied by the Lucky Hit Chance probability of skills. Suppose this affix rolls out at 20%



As shown in the figure above, when the player uses Bash

If there is no increase in Lucky Hit Chance value, the probability of triggering the Aspect of Shared Misery effect = 50% x 40% = 20%.

If there is an increase in Lucky Hit Chance value, the probability of triggering the  Aspect of Shared Misery effect = 50% x (1 + 20%) x 40% = 24%

Lucky Hit Chance formula:

The probability of triggering a certain lucky effect = skill lucky probability x (1 + lucky probability increase value) x the probability of triggering this lucky effect


About attack speed 

Not all skills apply the attack speed of weapons. Some skills do not eat attack speed. The attack speed of dual-wielding weapons is the average value of the attack speed of two weapons, that is, the value after adding and multiplying. We can also find some attack speed increase attributes in equipment affixes and skill passive effects. They will also affect the final attack speed.

Final formula:

Attack Speed Skill = Attack Speed Weapon x (1 + Sum of All Attack Speed Increases) 

It is worth noting that some players have tested that some skills have a 30% faster attack speed when released with a single click than when released with a long press. It has been reported to Blizzard officials and is expected to be fixed.

Hope that after understanding the damage principle of Diablo 4, everyone can accurately build a BD that suits them and has great damage!



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