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CS2's New Ranking System Explained: How to Quickly Improve Your CS Rating

Counter-Strike 2 is officially released and the new game brings many new features and improvements, including a brand new ranking system.


In CS2, the ranking system is divided into two parts: 

Premier Ranking and Competitive Ranking, which is the core ranking system of CS2 and uses the Elo rating system to evaluate the strength of players, and Competitive Ranking, which is the traditional CS:GO ranking system that evaluates the strength of players based on their win rate and performance.


To achieve a higher CS rating, players need to win matches in Premier Mode. Wins give players rating points, while losses deduct rating points.

A player's performance also affects the change in CS rating. For example, if a player gets more kills and assists in a match, he will earn more rating points.


However, the CS rating system is not entirely dependent on individual performance. The level of a player's teammates can also affect the CS rating. For example, if a player gets more kills and assists in a match, but his teammates are weak, he may receive fewer rating points than a player with fewer kills and assists, but strong teammates.


CS ratings start at 1,000 points and go up to 40,000 points. Each 5,000 points represents a colour, as shown in the table below:


Players can improve their CS ratings in the following ways:

Practising regularly to improve their game.
Playing with players of similar level.
Using effective tactics to improve teamwork.

If you want to improve your CS rating quickly but don't have enough time to practice, you can also consider purchasing a CSGO account. CSGO accounts usually have a higher CS rating, which allows you to play against higher level players in Premier mode.