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Blizzard is discontinuing the Authenticator - here's what to do now to keep your WoW account secure

Blizzard is discontinuing an app that protected your account. In this article we reveal what you need to do now.

The security of your own account is an important thing. Many players have already had the experience of their account being hacked or otherwise used by strangers - then they often lose all the gold in World of Warcraft or all access to the games they love.

To make this access more difficult for strangers, there has been an app called “Blizzard Authenticator” for years. However, this app will be discontinued in less than a month.

We'll tell you what you have to do now.

What's changing at Blizzard? 

The previous “ Authenticator App” will be discontinued. Most people have probably already received a warning, but now it's getting more concrete. The app will finally be discontinued on January 5th.

Until then you have time to have your authenticator moved - in the future you will find it in the " Mobile App", where you can also view your friends lists.

How does the move work? 

To do this, you simply have to download and start the “ Mobile App” on your smartphone. You can find the app in your provider's respective store, either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

After you have logged in with your account, you should immediately be asked to activate the authenticator here and to allow notifications from the app.

You will then be sent a security code to confirm, which you have to type once - done.

Basically nothing can go wrong and the whole thing can be done in 3 minutes.

What happens if you don't move?

 If you don't activate the authenticator in your mobile app and move, you will simply be disconnected from an authenticator and this protection will no longer apply until you set it up again.

However, this may result in the loss of some game content. Because using the Authenticator, for example in World of Warcraft, rewards you with additional bag slots or an exclusive pet. If the authenticator is removed, these bonuses will also disappear from your account until you set up the authenticator again.

To avoid any problems when switching, you should do this now so that you don't find out on January 5, 2024 that some game content is no longer available or that your account has lost security.