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Dofus Quest Solution: Crime and Punishment

Embark on a thrilling quest to prove your worthiness as a Sram in the world of Dofus. Our detailed guide will assist you every step of the way, ensuring a successful completion of the "Crime and Punishment" quest.

Everything You Need To Know:


- Recommended Level: 20

- Quests: "Class Council"


- 41,277 XP

- 936 Dofus Kamas

- Beach Towel x1

- Tanning Cream x1

- Marine Conch x1

- Competition Fin x1


- Astrub [3,-16]


- Combat (group) x2

- Being a Sram

Quest Walkthrough:

1. Initiating the Quest: Begin the quest by visiting Jim Fleps at [3,-16]. He informs you that his master wishes to meet you but tasks you with proving yourself first. Your challenge involves stealing three objects within Astrub to showcase your skills and love for gold.

2. Completing the Theft: Head to various locations within Astrub to carry out your thievery. Steal gems from the jewelry store floor at [6,-15], acquire a bone from Milichienchien at [2,-19] through combat, and trick Raymond Santho at [5,-21] into giving you his purse by faking a heart attack.

3. Meeting the Master: Present your loot to Jim Fleps, who then grants you access to meet Ogivol Scalarcin. Speak with Ogivol and confess your crimes, only to discover that one of the stolen items is a fake diamond. Your new objective is to find the forger responsible.

4. Uncovering the Forger: Visit Shani Sings at [6,-15] and gather information about the forger. She directs you to a new recruit named Kaba. Locate Kaba at [0,-18] and engage in combat to apprehend him.

5. Reporting to Ogivol Scalarcin: Return to Ogivol Scalarcin at [3,-16] and inform him of Kaba's capture. Deliver the case of diamonds to complete your task.

6. Quest Completion: Conclude the quest by returning to Jim Fleps and informing him of your success.

With our guide, you'll successfully navigate through the challenges of the "Crime and Punishment" quest in Dofus, proving your worthiness as a Sram and earning valuable rewards along the way. Embark on this exciting journey and emerge triumphant!

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