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lvl28,have 29 Legendary,have Shiny Groudon Kyogre Heatran Ho-Oh Latios Shiny Suicune Latias Raikou entei etc,some nice pokemons N8570
lvl28,have 29 Legendary,have Shiny Groudon Kyogre Heatran Ho-Oh Latios Shiny Suicune Latias Raikou entei etc,some nice pokemons N8570
lvl36,have 66 Legendary,Mewtwo Groudon Shiny Rayquaza Kyogre Giratina etc,have 21 nice Shiny,many nice high CP pokemons   N8569
lvl36,have 66 Legendary,Mewtwo Groudon Shiny Rayquaza Kyogre Giratina etc,have 21 nice Shiny,many nice high CP pokemons N8569
lvl25,have 37 Legendary,5 Mewtwo Groudon Kyogre Ho-Oh Heatran Latios Kyurem etc,some nice pokemons  N8568
lvl25,have 37 Legendary,5 Mewtwo Groudon Kyogre Ho-Oh Heatran Latios Kyurem etc,some nice pokemons N8568
Level 33, 4 Pokemon IV100%, 5 Shiny, 10 Legendary, 1 Shiny Legend
Level 33, 4 Pokemon IV100%, 5 Shiny, 10 Legendary, 1 Shiny Legend
Level 33, 1 Pokemon IV100%, 3 Shiny, 6 Legendary, 1M Stardust
Level 33, 1 Pokemon IV100%, 3 Shiny, 6 Legendary, 1M Stardust
Level 38, 844 Pokemon, 48 Shiny, 150 Legend, 226 IV 100, 2 Shadow Legend
Level 38, 844 Pokemon, 48 Shiny, 150 Legend, 226 IV 100, 2 Shadow Legend
p52~40 LVL~1.2M Stardust~5 Legendary~15 Shiny~Legendary Palkia~Latios~Giratina~Shiny Luxray~Blue Team~Best Starter
p52~40 LVL~1.2M Stardust~5 Legendary~15 Shiny~Legendary Palkia~Latios~Giratina~Shiny Luxray~Blue Team~Best Starter
p54~40 LVL~Shiny Giratina~540K Stardust~5 Legendary~15 Shiny~Legendary Palkia~Shiny Sandslash~Red Team~Best Starter
p54~40 LVL~Shiny Giratina~540K Stardust~5 Legendary~15 Shiny~Legendary Palkia~Shiny Sandslash~Red Team~Best Starter
p32~Shiny Origin Palkia~18 Legendary~22 Shiny~Origin Dialga~Origin Giratina~Lugia~Regidrago~all tradable Pokemons
p32~Shiny Origin Palkia~18 Legendary~22 Shiny~Origin Dialga~Origin Giratina~Lugia~Regidrago~all tradable Pokemons
p53~40 LVL~Shiny Palkia~545K Stardust~5 Legendary~13 Shiny~Legendary Giratina~Shiny Arcanine~Blue Team~Best Starter
p53~40 LVL~Shiny Palkia~545K Stardust~5 Legendary~13 Shiny~Legendary Giratina~Shiny Arcanine~Blue Team~Best Starter
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