How to Craft Wolf Armor in Minecraft

Tamed wolves in Minecraft are loyal companions who fight by your side. But before you unleash your furry friend on a hostile mob, it's wise to give them some protection. Wolf armor might be just what you need to keep your canine companion out of harm's way.


Having a Minecraft account opens up a world of possibilities, and crafting wolf armor is definitely one of them. It's a relatively simple process, but requires a specific material: armadillo scutes.


Gearing Up for Battle: Crafting Wolf Armor

Here's what you'll need to craft wolf armor:

Crafting Table: This is where the magic happens! You'll need a crafting table to assemble your wolf's new armor.
Six Armadillo Scutes: These are the key ingredient. You'll find armadillos in savanna and badlands biomes. They naturally drop scutes, but you can also use a brush (crafted with a stick, copper ingot, and feather) to collect them from a live armadillo.

The Crafting Recipe

Once you have your materials, head to your crafting table.  Arrange the six armadillo scutes in a lowercase "h" shape: three in the first column, one in the middle of the second column, and two in the middle and bottom squares of the last column. With a few clicks, you'll have a shiny new set of wolf armor ready to equip!


Protecting Your Pup

Wolf armor offers valuable protection for your furry friend, making them more durable in battles. It's important to remember that like your own armor, wolf armor takes damage as your pet fights. Luckily, repairing wolf armor is simple. Just use more armadillo scutes on the wolf wearing the armor.


Exploring with Confidence

With wolf armor at the ready, you can take your canine companion on exciting adventures, knowing they're better protected from enemy attacks. The various wolf variants you can tame throughout the world means you can even build a personal "dog army" outfitted in different colored wolf armor!


Staying Prepared

While wolf armor offers great protection, remember that wolves can't wear enchanted armor. However, you can make sure you have the best enchantments on your own helmet, tools, and weapons to tackle any challenge that comes your way.


Knowing When to Leave Your Pup at Home

Even with wolf armor, your furry friend might not be suited for every situation.  For particularly dangerous tasks, like exploring a Woodland Mansion, it might be best to leave your wolf at home. Similarly, the Nether and the End are treacherous dimensions best navigated without your canine companion.


So there you have it! Crafting wolf armor is a great way to keep your loyal Minecraft companion safe during your adventures. Now get out there and explore the world with your trusty wolf by your side!