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Apex Legends: Is Artemis the Next Legend?

Looking to dominate the Apex Games with a brand new Legend?  Well, whispers around the Outlands suggest a new contender codenamed Artemis might be joining the fray in Season 23. While Respawn hasn't officially revealed anything yet,  data miners and lore enthusiasts have been busy piecing together clues, and the rumors are getting interesting.


A Legend Code Name Rooted in Myth

The name Artemis itself hints at the potential abilities of this upcoming Legend.  In Greek mythology, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and the wilderness. This  connection has led many to speculate that Artemis might be a Recon Legend with abilities  focused on animal companions or wielding a powerful bow and arrow.

Imagine coordinating  flanking maneuvers with a pack of Prowlers or using a special scope to track enemy movement  across the map – the possibilities for a wildlife-oriented Legend are exciting.


Is Artemis Actually Vantage's Mother?

The rumors don't stop there.  Eagle-eyed fans of the Apex Legends lore believe Artemis could be Xenia Contreras, also known  as Prisoner T-0323. In the game's backstory, Xenia, Vantage's mother,  was wrongfully imprisoned  for treason during the Outlands Civil War while pregnant with Vantage (Xiomara  "Mara" Contreras). Sentenced to life on a detention ship that crash-landed on Pagos, Xenia  raised her daughter there, fostering Vantage's exceptional sniping skills.

With such a  compelling backstory, it would be a great twist to see Xenia emerge from the shadows and  claim her place in the Apex Games, perhaps seeking revenge for her past or a way to reunite  with her daughter.


When Can We Expect to See Artemis in Action?

While Season 22  arrives in August 2024, there's no official date for Season 23 yet.  Following the usual cadence,  it  should launch sometime in November. This wait gives data miners  a chance to dig up more  information  about Artemis' abilities and potential lore connections.


Upgrade Your Account and Gear Up for the Next Legend

Whether  Artemis is a brand new Legend or a familiar face from Vantage's past, one thing's for sure:  her  arrival will shake up the Apex Games.  Are your  Legend  selections ready? If you're  looking to  dominate with the newest addition to the roster, consider  upgrading  your  Apex Legends account  to  unlock new cosmetics and challenges.  Stay tuned as we  continue  to  unravel the mystery of Artemis  and  get  ready  to  welcome  (or perhaps re-welcome) this  powerful  new Legend to the Apex Games!