Solution to the Dofus Quest: The Death Bridge Keeper

Welcome to our comprehensive walkthrough for the quest "The Death Bridge Keeper" in Dofus. This guide will provide you with detailed steps to help you complete the quest efficiently, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. If you want to supercharge your gameplay , buy Dofus Kamas from iGV. Choose from a variety of Dofus Kamas packages, match your needs at unbeatable prices. With 24/7 customer support and guaranteed satisfaction, iGV is your best choice for Dofus Kamas.

Everything You Need to Know


Recommended Level: 80


141,660 XP


Otomaï Island [-56,0]

Solution to the Quest “The Death Bridge Keeper”

Starting the Quest

The quest "The Death Bridge Keeper" begins at the coordinates [-56,0] on Otomaï Island. You will encounter the Guardian of the Bridge of Death, who blocks your path to the Bottomless Bog. The guardian will test your knowledge with six questions. Answering incorrectly will result in an immediate attack and death, so it’s crucial to answer each question correctly.

The Guardian's Questions

Question 1: What is your favorite color?

There are four possible answers to this question. The important thing is not to choose the response "I like another color." You can safely choose any of the other options.

Question 2: What is the gender of the person who is neither your brother nor your sister, but who is your parents’ child?

The answer to this question depends on the gender of your character:

Choose “Feminine” if your character is female.

Choose “Male” if your character is male.

Question 3: Do you know how to cross your arms?

This question depends on whether you have unlocked the “Cross your arms” attitude.

If you have the attitude, answer “Yes.

If you do not have the attitude, answer “No.”

Question 4: Mental calculation

This question involves a complex calculation based on the number of free pods in your inventory. The answer varies depending on your inventory space:

Answer “100 Coral Moritos” if you have between 0 and 499 free pods.

Answer “200 Coral Moritos” if you have between 500 and 1,499 free pods.

Answer “400 Coral Moritos” if you have between 1,500 and 2,499 free pods.

Answer “600 Morito Corals” if you have 2,500 or more free pods.

Question 5: What color is Henry Kard's White Dragoturkey?

The answer to this question is straightforward:

Answer “White.”

Question 6: Important details

The final question presents a long and seemingly complex scenario, but the answer is simple:

Choose “A normal Crow or an Ugly Little Crow?”

Completing the Quest

After correctly answering all six questions, the Guardian of the Bridge of Death will acknowledge his defeat. This completion allows you access to the Bottomless Bog. You can now enter this area by speaking to the guardian again.


By following this detailed guide, you will successfully complete the "The Guardian of the Bridge of Death" quest in Dofus. This walkthrough ensures that you are well-prepared to answer the guardian's questions correctly and gain access to the Bottomless Bog. Enjoy your journey and may your adventures in the world of Dofus be filled with success!