G Coin FAQs

Q: How can I recharge G Coin?
A: You can recharge G Coin through the recharge page on our website by selecting the desired amount.

Q: Can I cancel a G Coin recharge if I no longer wish to use it?
A: Once G Coin is recharged, it cannot be canceled or refunded, but it can still be used for purchases.

Q: If I rent an account using G Coin and my refund is approved, will it be refunded to G Coin?
A: Yes, the refunded amount will be credited back to your G Coin balance.

Q: What payment scenarios can G Coin be used for?
A: G Coin can be used for account rental services on our platform.

Q: What should I do if I don’t have enough G Coin to complete my order?
A: If your G Coin balance is insufficient, you can recharge more G Coin to complete the order.