Acquista EVE Echoes ISK su iGVault - EVE Echoes Online ISK Market

Buy & Sell EVE Echoes Online ISK - Safe and Fast EVE Echoes ISK Market
What is EVE Online Echoes?
Eve Echoes is a Mobile MMORPG. (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) Thousands of players can play together at the same time and there is no need to save your gameplay since all information is stored automatically on the servers of EVE Echoes
What makes EVE Echoes different?
Compared to other MMORPGs, EVE Echoes prides itself to be an open world sandbox. Meaning a player is not too restricted about what to do and what not to do. If you want to open a mining enterprise feel free to do so, if you want to be a pirate and make money off the backs of other players you are welcome to do so as well.
How to get EVE Echoes ISK quickly?
1. Fill out your character name correctly.
2. Your account has to have Omega Clone. If you dont have one, EVE Echoes ISK you ordered cannot be transfered from the seller via contract in game.
3. Sellers will send ISK to you via Contract. Click " My Contract " to obtain your ISK.(After sellers send ISK via Contract,please obtain it as soon as possible,this is important!)
4. You will cover 4% trade fee in contract.